Speaking Copilot

Personal Speaking

Personal Speaking

Spellar is an AI-driven speaking assistant, offering personalized feedback to enhance your speaking skills and boost your confidence

Product Hunt Badge
May 15
May 15
May 15

Real-Time Recommendations

Real-Time Recommendations

Become a better communicator with on-the-spot, valuable suggestions to boost your speaking proficiency, no matter where you are

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly integrate Spellar AI into your daily routine, whether for important meetings with investors or personal speaking practice

English Speaking Coach

English Speaking Coach

Enhance your English speaking skills with precise feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and clarity, tailored to your individual needs

Meeting Summaries

Meeting Summaries

Never miss crucial details again. Our automatic meeting summaries are customized to your specific engagements

Write something...

Write something...

This is a beta version of an application that shows your speaking pace and highlights filler words in real-time. The filler words are immediately displayed and the color indicates the speed of your speech. Green indicates a good pace, while a different color indicates speaking too fast or too slow

Privacy-Centric Approach

Privacy-Centric Approach

Rest easy knowing that your information is highly protected and entirely under your control

Refine Your Speaking Style

Refine Your Speaking Style

Receive personalized recommendations to sound more professional or friendly and make a lasting impression

Receive personalized recommendations to sound more professional or friendly and make a lasting impression

Of course. In my previous role as a project manager, we were faced with a tight deadline to complete a crucial client project. Our team had some conflicts regarding the best approach to tackle the project. To resolve this, I called for a team meeting to discuss everyone's perspectives openly. We identified the areas of disagreement and worked together to find a compromise. I also delegated specific tasks based on team members' strengths to ensure efficiency. In the end, we successfully delivered the project on time.

Certainly. In my prior position as a project manager, our team encountered a challenging situation when tasked with meeting a stringent deadline for a critical client project. During this project, differing viewpoints within the team arose concerning the most effective approach to tackle the project. To address these conflicts, I proactively convened a team meeting, encouraging open and transparent discussion of each team member's perspective. Through this process, we identified areas of disagreement and collaboratively sought a middle ground, arriving at a consensus. Additionally, I strategically assigned tasks based on individual team members' strengths, thereby optimizing overall team efficiency. As a result of these concerted efforts, we successfully delivered the project on schedule, meeting the client's expectations.

Absolutely! So, in my previous role as a project manager, we had this super important client project with a crazy tight deadline. And guess what? Our team had some different ideas on how to handle it. But no worries, we gathered for a team pow-wow and talked it all out openly. We found some areas where we didn't agree, but we worked together and found a compromise that everyone was happy with. Oh, and I made sure to assign tasks to people based on what they're really good at, so we rocked it and delivered the project on time, just like the client wanted!




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We kindly ask for your contribution to support our project. Please help us build the future of Spellar AI


We kindly ask for your contribution to support our project. Please help us build the future of Spellar AI